What are Closing Costs Exactly in Southern California?

You’ve likely heard about closing costs, but do you know everything that they include? Check out our closing cost “FAQ” to learn more about what closing costs are all about. What Are Closing Costs Exactly in Southern California? Closing costs refer to all of the fees that must be paid at the closing table. Depending … Continued

Negotiation Tips for Selling Your Home in Southern California

Are you thinking about selling your Southern California house? Before you list or sell it on your own, you should have your negotiation strategy in place. Always try to be one step ahead of your buyers. Use concrete facts to validate your asking price and consider anything about the house that could be used as ammunition to lower … Continued

4 Tips for First Time Home Sellers in Southern California

Buying and selling a home are two very different processes. First time home sellers may not know all that goes into successfully selling their house. It takes some work to find a buyer while getting the price you want. Below, find our… 4 best tips for first time home SELLERS!  The Price is Right You want to get as … Continued

Help, I’m behind in my mortgage payments in Southern California!

When you fall behind in your mortgage payments on your Southern California home, it can feel like you’re drowning in debt. Even if you’re able to make your monthly payment, catching up on a past due balance can be an overwhelming challenge. There’s a few options that can help you to avoid foreclosure in Southern California … Continued

How to Find a Good Real Estate Agent in Southern California

Hiring a real estate agent in Southern California can be frustrating. So what are the steps on how to find a good real estate agent in Southern California? Many local large real estate brokers will spend thousands of dollars each month to ensure that their agents are the most visible, whether it be online, in the … Continued
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